Cross Border Reproductive Care Study

Participant Information Sheet
Date Information Sheet Produced: 23 July 2012
Approved by the Auckland University of Technology Ethics Committee on 15th October, 2012. AUTEC Reference number 12/210
Please read this information sheet and if you wish to participate in this study click the link at the bottom of this page.

Project Title

Motivation and experiences of patients seeking Cross Border Reproductive Care: The New Zealand and Australian Context.

An Invitation

You are invited to participate in this study which explores people's motivations for pursuing reproductive treatment outside their state or country of residence, and their experiences of such treatment. Your participation in the study is voluntary. The study is being conducted by a team of researchers/clinical psychologists from New Zealand and Australia: Sonja Goedeke (Senior Lecturer, AUT University), Dr. Sarah Nowoweiski (Counsellor), and Ms Iolanda Rodino (Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice, Perth IVF).

What is the purpose of this research?

In recent years cross border reproductive care (CBRC), where people leave their state or country of residence to pursue treatment in another state or country, has received increasing attention. This study seeks to explore the reasons people in New Zealand and Australia seek and undertake cross border reproductive care, and aims to research experiences of this treatment and care. We hope that this research will assist people considering CBRC by facilitating an understanding of the issues involved. We hope that it may further inform the development of counselling guidelines and practice in the area, as well as potentially inform policy and practice around CBRC.

Who can participate in the research?

Individuals who are considering, or have undertaken any form of cross-border reproductive treatment, are invited to participate.

What will happen in this research?

This information sheet has been accessed by you by clicking on the link provided in the advert for this study that you will have read on the website. Please read this information sheet and if you would like to take part in the study, please click on the link to proceed with the questionnaire. The questionnaire should take approximately 25 minutes to complete.

What are the discomforts and risks, and how will these be alleviated?

Answering questions related to your fertility and reproductive care may be difficult or uncomfortable. Your participation is entirely voluntary and if at any stage during the completion of the questionnaire you feel uncomfortable, you may withdraw and not submit the questionnaire. As the questionnaire is to be completed online it is anonymous, and your privacy is protected.

What are the benefits?

You may find it beneficial to answer questions about your motivations for and experiences of CBRC. The research based on this study may assist those individuals contemplating cross border reproductive care, may contribute to policy development, and may guide practice in this area.

How will my privacy be protected?

The questionnaire is anonymous and you are asked not to provide any information that could identify you. The questionnaire can be accessed by weblink and there are no tracking devices.

What are the costs of participating in this research?

There are no costs to you other than your time.

What opportunity do I have to consider this invitation?

There is no obligation for you to complete the questionnaire. Participation is completely voluntary. If you decide to participate please complete the online questionnaire by following the online link below.

How do I agree to participate in this research?

Please click on the link below to participate in the research. By completing the questionnaire you are agreeing to participate in this research, and implying that you consent for the information to be used in the study. All data will be kept confidential and will only be able to be accessed by the research team. The data will be stored in password protected electronic files and destroyed after ten years.

Will I receive feedback on the results of this research?

A summary of results will be available on the website through which you accessed the questionnaire.

What do I do if I have concerns about this research?

Any concerns regarding the nature of this project can be notified, in New Zealand, in the first instance to the Researcher, Sonja Goedeke, , ph: 64-9-9219999 ext 7186. Any concerns regarding the nature of this project can be notified, in Australia, in the first instance to Researcher, Ms. Iolanda Rodino: Perth IVF 61-8-93897212 Concerns regarding the conduct of the research should be notified to the Executive Secretary, AUTEC, Dr Rosemary Godbold, , on 921 9999 ext 6902.

Whom do I contact for further information about this research?

Researcher Details
Sonja Goedeke
Senior Lecturer
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Phone: 64-9-9219999 ext 7186
Iolanda Rodino
Clinical Psychologist
PO Box 763 Nedlands WA 6909
Phone: 61-8-9389 7212
Dr Sarah Nowoweiski
ANZICA Counsellor
Currently on sabbatical leave.


Please note that: By proceeding to complete this online questionnaire I acknowledge:


This project is now finished